Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Like a river in rains

Like a river in rains

My emotions twist and turn and sometimes simmer
On other occasions they simply boil over
They peep from moist eyes
Sometimes they hide in the shiver of the voice
Often I feel them in my throat
At times in my stomach lurching with every spoken word
They hide behind the stories I keep
They threaten to embarrass me in crowded rooms
They at times bulldoze my audience
And then there are days when they wait
To pounce on me while I go about my business
Catching me unprepared
A laugh unworthy of the joke
A gripping anxiety that fights against courage
A joy that seems to burst at the seams
A tear drop that falls untimely and without a ceremony to go with it
My head quietly watches the drama
Laughs at the comedy going on
I have a strange suspicion
It must be all the conversations I never had with myself
I pace and give myself time
To just be
To just be me